Sunday, October 21, 2007

Carmel - Celebrating 50 Years of Ministry in Rockfort

Cicero the famous ancient Roman orator and governor once said, “To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain a child forever.” It is important to know your history, for it is in looking back we can appreciate our roots, learn from our failures and successes, so that we can work and plan effectively for the present and the future.

Carmel’s history is a testimony to the goodness, guidance and power of God. In the early days there were no local church in the Rennocks Lodge community, and a team of concerned brethren from Galilee Gospel Hall which started in 1947 would conduct Open Air Meetings across the community. Eventually the Sunny Side Evangelistic Crusaders comprising Noel Aiken, Aubrey McGann and Keith Rowe of Galilee Gospel Hall started a crusade on the grounds where Carmel now stands on Dec 31, 1956 – exactly fifty (50) years ago. The main speaker was Aubrey McGann who, besides being a tall and talented footballer was also a gifted Evangelist. The meetings attracted hundreds of people from the area and many got saved. So good were the signs that the meeting was extended for another week.

After the excitement of the crusade had died the difficult work of “following-up” the new converts started. It was here that the hard working Noel Aiken excelled. First, he organized regular meetings in the tent and saw to the visitation and care of the “babes in Christ.” They had many problems in those early days. They found out that the man who claimed to own the land was not the rightful owner – this after they had paid him a deposit of five pounds for it. Eventually the land was acquired from the government.

Carmel since then has grown from strength to strength and continues to make a significant impact on the community for the Lord. Known as a young people’s church, our main ministries and growth areas include the Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, Boys/Girls Club, and annual Easter Camp. As such, sports evangelism is an integral part of our outreach programme. In an effort also to cater to the whole man, and provide meaningful skills to residence, the HEART Skills Training programme was introduced a few years ago, and continues to benefit residents (mostly females) from inside and even outside the community.


Donette said...

I was truly blessed at the re-union, and am trully happy to be a part of the work here. Many thanks to those past Carmelites (local and overseas) who helped us to make the occasion such a blessed one.

bekah said...

We are a group of believers in Annandale VA who are friends of Floreyce Cameron Palmer. Her father Milton Cameron recently passed away. We would like to make a donation to your Assembly in his honor. How should we do that? You can email me at Thank you.
Beky Hazelton